I am trying to save the world, one stitch at a time.

My work explores the connections between all living things, and the relationships between people, the sea, and the land. The notion of life connected by a thread of DNA is a vital concept in relation to my work.  Erasmus Darwin, back in 1794 argued “that one and the same kind of living filament is and has been the cause of all organic life.”    This connection, and that I use filament as part of my creative process, is one I find interesting and vital.  

 My previous work explored the impact of humans polluting the water, and the effect this has on the microscopic oxygen producing life forms, and as a result, the air quality we breathe.  Despite being so small, their importance cannot be underestimated, the single-celled algae (diatoms) that flourish everywhere in fresh and salt water, account for up to one quarter of photosynthetic activity on Earth.   By exploring transparency, tensegrity, and texture, my aim was to create the appearance of fragility and capture an elusive, ethereal living quality. 

Currently I am exploring the connections between human behaviour and environmental changes, such as droughts, wild fires, floods, and rising seas. These issues are important now, and the impact of climate change has been felt across the world.  There is still time for to find solutions and make change in our societies.  It is still possible for all of us to do something to protect the world that sustains us, and climate change is an opportunity for us to change our relationship with nature. What we do to the planet, we do to ourselves.

Over the past 30 years, I have made a commitment to reduce my footprint on the planet. As a result, the majority of my work is created from at least 70% recycled materials.

I like to bring consciousness to the beauty around us, and how powerful the connections are between all living things.  Experimentation plays an important role in my creative process, as it allows for serendipity and intuitive connections. This intuitive process enables me to be spontaneous, and the freedom of making unplanned decisions, and discovering new possibilities. By experimenting, discovering new combinations, and creating new things, I feel connected to the Universe.