
I get given bags of fabric, that would normally go into landfill. This fabric isn’t suitable for my artwork, so I make quilts for the community.

I find a joy in making an item of comfort and warmth from the abandoned fabric, off cuts, remnants, or unwanted fabric.

Quilt created using a quarter snowball block.

I belong to Rainbow Quilters, Rotoru, a group of amazing creative and talented people, who meet several times a year to make quilts for Women’s refuge, children with cancer, foster kids, and other community groups that have a need for quilts.

Blue “china plate quilt built from fabric leftovers from two other quilts.

The challenge is to sort through the abandoned fabric, and select colours that work together, and build a quilt. My favourite traditional block is the “quarter snowball”. A versatile quilt block that as little fabric waste, and many layout options.

Jagged X pattern
Another quilt built using the quarter snowball block. Reminds me of tiles.
Quarter Snowball block
The quarter snowball block is my favourite. Creates a versitale block that can be arranged in different design layouts. Also, my process creates an extra Half Square Triangle (HST) that I put aside, to make a future quilt.
When I build a quarter snowball quilt, I made an extra HST,
This quilt was made from these HSTs.
“Tree Rectangle” made from the same block as “Jagged X
Quilt made from HSTs from the Jagged X, and the “tree rectangle”.
Snowball quilt made with remnant blue fabric.
4 panels with zoo animals created this quilt.
Detail of the prism blocks

In one of the bags of fabric, was 57 navy blue squares. I made these two quilts from them, and the blue “china plate one with the leftovers.

pink purple bargello quilt
Purple, pink bargello from red fabric remnants using a half snowball block.
4 patch block cut on diagonal
4 patch block cut on diagonal with left over blue and red fabrics.
Striped fabric creates it’s own challenges.
Detail of striped and checked fabric.
Second quilt using the check and stripe fabric.
Left over striped and checked fabric created another quilt.
This large print fabric I fractured to create a quilt.
Cat fabrics using the “tube strip” method.
Big pile of purple remnants become a big purple quilt

Cat fabrics create children’s quilts uisng the “strip tube” method.

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